Legacy & Beliefs
Our Legacy...over 70 Years of Excellence!
Originally staffed by the Sisters of Mercy from Merion, Pennsylvania,
St. John the Evangelist School opened its doors in 1954.
Their charism of spirituality, community, service, and social justice embodies the school’s spiritual heritage and foundation.
The school motto, “Reverence, Respect, and Responsibility,” reflects the school’s core values and guides the daily interactions of students, faculty, and parents.
We Believe...
Every person is a child of God with worth and dignity.
All children strive for academic excellence and self-confidence through active participation in challenging and enriching learning opportunities.
The cornerstone of our entire academic system is firmly rooted in a Christ-centered environment.
A sense of family and faith community creates an atmosphere of trust, love and friendship.
Students need a safe environment where all members of the school community treat each other with respect, and where parents are actively involved in the school and their child's education.
The use of technology as a tool integrated throughout the curriculum supports higher order thinking skills, communication skills, collaboration, and problem solving.
The cultural diversity of our school enriches our lives and provides an environment which helps us grow in understanding and appreciation of different cultural traditions.